Sunday, March 31, 2019

Codes, Monuments and Considerable Fiveness

(from 2011)

A month or two back I had a little fun here in a post on the True Bible Code – “proving” that William Shakespeare’s name is hidden in the psalms. It sort of goes along with pyramidology and other mathematical gymnastics that people with too much time on their hands have extracted to enlighten mankind.

For the closet pyramidologists among us, I thought you might be interested in some extra information that “proves” how a Divine hand was obviously behind the Washington Monument.

If you look up the Washington Monument in the World Almanac, you will find considerable fiveness. Its height is 555 feet and 5 inches. The base is 55 feet square, mulitiplied by 60 (or five times the months of the year) it gives 3,300, which is the exact weight of the capstone in pounds. Also the word “Washington” has exactly ten letters – two times five. And if the weight of the capstone is multiplied by the base, the result is 181,500 – a fairly close approximation of the speed of lights in miles per second. And if the base is measured with a “monument foot” (Pyramidologists will understand the reference to their “pyramid inch”) which is slightly smaller than the standard foot, its side comes to 56 ½ feet. This times 33,000 yields a figure even closer to the speed of light.

And – and is it not significant that the Monument is in the form of an obelisk – which reeks of ancient Egypt? Or that a pyramid appears on a dollar bill, on the other side to Washington’s portrait. And the decision to print the pyramid symbol was announced by the Secretary to the Treasury on June 15, 1935, both date and year being a multiple of five. And are there not twenty-five letters (five times five) in the title “The Secretary of the Treasury”?

Yes indeed my people – considerable fiveness.

My head hurts....

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