Sunday, March 31, 2019

1611 and all that

(from 2011)

OK - so it’s the 400th anniversary of the King James Version – which all code-breakers know was the original Bible written in the special language spoken by God. Oh, and also the language of William Shakespeare. In fact, by careful calculations, do you know what you can prove?

Well, Shakespeare was born in 1564.

That means that when the original Bible came out (and do concentrate now – we are talking about the KJV – delivered gift-wrapped from heaven) Shakespeare was 46 years old... at least for the first few months of the year.

So let’s go to the psalms in the KJV.

Try Psalm 46.

Now count 46 words from the beginning.

The 46th word?  “Shake”.

Now count 46 words back from the end (ignoring the musical term Selah).

The 46th word? “Spear”.

Shake-Spear. You see, Shakespeare!

And there’s more! If you add the numbers 4 and 6 together, you get 10. So go to verse 10 of Psalm 46 in the KJV – and reverse the 4 and 6 to become 6 and 4. The sixth word is “I” followed by “am” and then four words later is “will”. So “I-Am-Will” or “Will-I-Am” – William! William Shakespeare...

And there’s even more!! Did you know that the name William Shakespeare is an anagram of “Here was I, like a Psalm”?

You see - that proves it!!

Er – proves what?

Oh, and if you combine calculations from the Mayan calendar with the pyramid inch measurements for the diagonals in the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid (courtesy of the Great Pyramidiot, Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal for Scotland) – then you can work out the exact date when Obama will cure the budget deficit for America....

And another thing....

What’s that...? 


But of course I’ve taken my medication!

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